Sunday, February 28, 2010

.: PARTY :.

event : 8th dannish besday...
vanue : seri maya condo,setiawangsa
date : 27th feb 2010
tyme : 3pm-6pm

this tyme theme tok besday dannish its Naruto (orange+puteh).so sesape yg dtg mostly pakai ekot color theme bad happening...ade clown..magic show...n alot of games for kids la...
event tok kiteorg yg besar2 nie pown still maen music chair lg..huhuu...
mknn yg ade pown besh2 lamb chop,ayam panggang,meehon,kueh2 & buah..
kek2 pown gmbr naruto tempah kt regular bakers(kak sid)..cupcakes also based on naruto pown naruto theme sume2 naruto la...hehe

p/s: photo provided..just have a look oke... > ", <

games yg paling klakar...

the end of party...
aku ngan didie menjadi zombie paling popular...

.: new hair :.

memule show gmbr x pulakk..hehe
actlly aku bru potong rmbot depan now just nk publish la...
either oke or nope!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

how i loox.???

bertudung.?? ekot kn jiwe mcm nk bertudung hati tue belom 100% agy la..dats da point. bkn pe..xnk la nnt pakai 2 or 3 hr..then bukak2 lak..sbb klu bertudung nie bknye ekot fesyen..n jenis aku lak..bile da bersedia nk pakai nnt..aku akan pakai till da end..x besh lak klu just pakai sekejap..then bukak...then pakai balik bia la bile aku btol2 bersedia tok pakai...baru la aku pakai...doa2 kn la terbukak pintu hati ku ini...amin..huuhhuuu...

Friday, February 26, 2010


astro fest 2010...pade 20/02/2010..kt mane adenye event nie...? for sure la kt astro bkt jalil da place of my work! haha..agak happening..jumpe balik ex2 staff expecially ACD kecoh2 cket la.memule aku plan nk pegy ngan "DIE" tp x last aku pegy ngan "bakal kakak epar" yg otak same giler mcm aku tue...hahaa lame jugak la aku kt san..bayangkn dr pukol 3pm till 10.30pm..ape yg ade kt sane? byk benda...mcm from astro celeb (didie alias,azrul RL, bdk2 RL,band2 sume pown ade...kristal,meet uncle hussien n manymore.) yg best nye mkn2 pown dorg provide...all nk beratuh amik mknn tue yg mslh..sbb ramai gile...huhuuu
aku lak jenis x minat sgt ngan game2 yg ade..aku just jln2..tgk perfomance2 celeb jela..laen just melepak ngan geng2 seperjuangan..huhuuu...

p/s : enjoy da photo okeh!! huhuuu

Sunday, February 7, 2010

~nOt wElL~

im in not well mood...
since balik singapore ari tuh...batok & skt tekak...afta tue pegy lak berjongjeng(karoke) ngan kwn2...lg la jd skt tekak yg terook...haha..hope dat will be oke soon!

Monday, February 1, 2010


30 jan 2010..end of new month 2010..wat the story its....
im in singapore with didie+cik put+zoe+uncle roby.why we here...??? just having fun together...huhu
actlly this the 1st tyme ferr didie & cik put dtg aku pown amik cuti then join the club la..
how come aku xde rite! we always being TRIPLET...bak kate uncle roby ler..hehe
in da same tyme i need to forget bout just release tension kt cnie jela..
around 8pm we arrive here...then smpi2 jerk bersiap to ferr berJONGJENG...
we going to Hard Rock Cafe but we not allowed to go in..sbb x bwk pepot..dats our fault la..
so..afta x boleh masok..we all pown berjln ler to 1 plaza..dun now da name...then watching movee there...cite "toothfairy" bad movee...nice jugak la...ferr me its my 2nd tyme watch movee here...
ferr da 1st tgk cite "Sex In The City"...awesome!!
2nd day..around 2pm bru we all kuar n lunch kt American Club House..
afta that start la berjalan over ther Orchard Road..penat la jugak..sampai cik put punya kaki da melecet gilerr..huhu...
evrything setle kt orchard..we return 2 American Club again ferr wait uncle roby..
dinner pulak we take at the best food court ferr seafood..(i cant remember da place name.later i'll update) kt sane we all mkn chili crab+baby squid & calamari..awesome!
tomorow da day to return back to our lurvely country (MALAYSIA)..
hope dat soon will be here again..with alot of money ferr shopping..hehee