Saturday, May 22, 2010

.: Nape Erk.?? :.

nape erk..?? lately nie aku not in mood jerk!
patotnye aku feel happy bcoz benda yg aku nk da aku dptkn..
tp....still not in mood...
maybe ape yg aku lalui wat mase nie membuatkn aku rase mcm sux cket kowt!
nowaday mcm2 benda yg belaku between aku ngan org2 sekeliling aku..
ngan fmly,kwn baek aku si mek nyet tue la...n sume yg rapat la..
sumenye ade yg x kene..
agaknye bile la benda2 nie sume nk selesai kn..
rase x besh sgt...
kadang tue ade gak rase mcm nk lari jaoh2...
tp bile pk2 balik...dgn lari tue...mslh xkan selesai kowt!(think positive)
sbnrnye bukan nk lari mane pown..just nk kuar dr daerah n chillink da holiday! tenangkn perasaan.. =) tue jerk..
n lg satu maybe skrg aku keje x menentu...
tyme tok rest tue xde..tue yg mood pown lari tah kemane2 tue..
hope dat cepat2 la settle sume mslh nie.. =(

mood : mengharap.!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

.: Account unavailable :.

mental jerk bile xde FB nie...
tyme 2 nie la

Account unavailable....

Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologise for the inconvenience. please try again shortly....

nie da bukan shortly da...longly sume ade...
xtau la smpi bile agaknye..da try dr ptg smpi ke mlm...
x bulehhh jugakkkk....

so bored!! Zzzzzzzz...!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ask me anything

.: M y Besties Wedding :.

date " 15 may 2010

event : shasha wedding
where : panchor jaya,seremban

post kali nie its about my besties wedding iaitu shasha.
theme ferr her wedd its cream+gold
its so lurvely wedding
she's loox so preety on her great day
n also nampak serasi sgt sha with her hubby.
im shoo jeless oke! =P

who was attend dis ceremony.?
ferr sure la kwn2 seperjuangan d zaman persekolahan dlu.
almost 5year la jugak x jumpe dorg2 nie
so agak excited la when meet them up
d'antare org2 yg hadir ialah

*wawan with fmly*
*hidayah babak*
*e'in with boffy*
*sharil + firdaus*
*pyan mahat with guffy*
*amal with guffy*
*aboy with anak buahnye*

& ramai lagy la.....

all da photo from
"Shasha wedding"

pengatin "Shasha + Hafiz"

aku yg sempat bergambar with my besties!

aku bersama rakan sejongjeng.. "misz ain"

photo nie aku snapp with anak 1 of my setan frenz(wawan)

again with misz ain jongjeng.. (^-^)

hidayah + amy + aku + ain

3 dare pingitan + frenz mania

all da schoolmate snappy photo with da pengatin b4 bersuraii.eheheee

aku bersama anak buah pengatin (ayed)
same baye kot si ayed nie ngan mak cik die tue..huhuu

me with ain trying to grab sumthing to take home..hahahaa

p/s : congratts to shasha bcoz da lepas dr alam single2 nie..hehee
hope dat she will live inda eppyly ever afta with her hubby..

to all my fweenny...thanks a lot sbb dtg wedding nie..
at least we can meet up together kn...
n also hope dat we cann lepakk again like b4.. wish ferr my own...
hope dat my turn will going around da corner

Monday, May 10, 2010

.: New SeeD Handbag :.

i just bought a new handbag from seed.
actlly jiwe nk beli handbag nie da bile tgk2 mcm xde yg berkenan pown..
so,ade la satu ketike nie.tyme tue dlm tren.
aku tgk ade 1 chinese lady nie pakai bag from "charles & keith" wane grey..
chantex la jugak..n membuatkn aku nk beli new handbad.

so bile jiwe tue da ade.mule la hati tue x sbar nk membeli.
so pegy la ke pavilion tok crik bag C&k tue..
tp yg d carikk tue x ku temui..
so dgn keputusan muktamad nye..pegy la aku mencari kt padini concept.
sbb kt sane ade byk jugak pilihan.
from Vincci,PDI,Seed...
so afta berjalan2 tue..ternampak la aku pade 1 bag yg aak besar jugak.
then aku pown bertanyekn hargenye..
then promoter tue pown inform la kt aku yg bag tue ade 20% diskaun.
sempena hari ibu..but aku x beli tok my mom pown..hehe
harge sebenar bag nie around rm129.90..then afta diskaun tue dpt la price rm103.20.

so..ape lg..mmg aku sambarr la bag tue...

..nie la handbag yg aku sambarr kn..

p/s : bag nie agak besar..aclly,aku mmg suke kn bag yg besar..
bcoz boleh letak mcm2 barang.hehe
i likkeeee.....!!!

.: Back To The Basic :.

afta berjalan2...need to going da basic wayy...
almost 2 weex im inda holiday mood.
now kene la berkeje seperti sedia kala...
utk menampong kehidupan setelah mengeluarkn hasil2 nye..

p/s : wat i means its...keje + ot = gaji yg masyuukk....heheehhee

Monday, May 3, 2010

.: Nite Story :.

from ascott hotel to Hard Rock Cafe ferr having dinner with...

uncle roby + zoe + didie + me + cik putt
..dinner was awesome..
..waiter hensem-hensem..
..also sempat bershopping at HRShop..
..tgk live band..

.: 2nd day in jakarta :.

around jakarta on 2nd day..

gambir (buy a ticket to bandung) -> monas (snappy few photo ) -> tanah abang (beli tshirt) -> restoran sederhana (mkn2) -> thamrind city hypermarket (beli sliper) -> ascott hotel (have a rest)

p/s : last photo nie kt pol pos tanah abg..
wat acik's doing..?? she's asking da way how to use da shortcut!