Wednesday, February 2, 2011

.: Doctor Khairul Fahmi Kew.?? :.

"Doctor kew.??"

actlly aku just received comment from 1 bloggers nie.

the comment sound like this

"hye awk..awk ni doctor khairul fahmi ke dulu??waaahh...untung nya dpt jumpa player2 malaysia..nanti kalau alief jadi doctor insyaALlah 3 tahun lagi,,alief nak jadi doctor utk player bola jaring wanita malaysia..hehehe..kidding..."

from : aliefMuncung

ferr the 1st aku bace terkejoot jugak kn..
tp after few second tue dh xde rase pape pown..

if im not mistaken this person 1 of my freinds from FB.
btw,thanks ferr being in my blog space.

jawapan from his Question its :

hye alief,
"silap nie...saye bukan "doctor" mr.footballer tue la...
we all freinds b4...noewink him mase die x popular agy...
mmg dr dlu mr.foorballer tue panggil i "doctor".."

yessa..!! its true..
mr.footballer tue panggil i as "doctor"
bukan doctor bertauliah la..
buat "doctor lurve"
sbb b4 die slalu borak2 with me
story morry alot of thing.
even pasal relationship die.
i think on that tyme die baru kenal cik jejariruncing tue
~if im wrong..really sowie to mr.footballer & cik Elia ek~

later all masing2 dh buat hal masing2
tue la kisah nye...
hope relation mr.footballer with cik elia will last forever
shuke tgk dorg sgt2

::the comment::

misz lady said : xpenah pulak terpikir tok jd doctor..hahaha
maybe alief nie bace comment2 between me & footballer kt FB kowt.
btol ek..?


conversation antare aku with mr.footballer
dh lame dh pown
tengaok date die...on july 2010 kn


aLieF si Muncung ManiS said...

hahahaha..betol la kot..alief trbaca komen awk berdua..hehe..fikirkan awk ni doctor dia..sbb alief pun ambik jurusan medic..3 tahun lagi insyaAllah jadi doctor..btw,,thanx taw sbb promote blog alief secara tak langsung....huhu..

miSz Lady said...

comment tue pown da lame la alief..hehe
smoge menjadi doc berjaye kayh!
pasal promote tue xkesah pown..
normall dlm dunie blogger nie kn..hehe